Wednesday, January 4, 2012

100 days - 100 posts

I was watching ‘I used to be fat’ on MTV (the episode with Jordan and yummy Joey) when this idea came to me. That guy actually did a good job loosing 30 kg in 110 days!!! I was amazed. I felt inspired and i started to think about how many hundreds of days I have lost and if I would have stick to the eating healthy and train a lot plan I would have had my perfect weight long ago!!!!
So now I’m starting this project or challenge… I will be my own Joey, and you can help me if you want to) and I’ll see what’s happening … curious myself.

100 days… 100 posts.. daily intake, water and EVERYTHING - Weekly Weight In’s, meal photos, my photos, monthly & weekly goals & rewards & co.
No Excuses!
100 posts!
Of course the thing it’s not only about 100 days it’s about making the corect decisions and it’s about a life style change i’m talking about after these 100 days I will continue with maintenance & stuff.
It’s not that 100 days i’m trying to eat healthy and the 101 day I’m pigging on cookies.

Expectations & goals:
*I want to come closer to my perfect weight. I’m not saying I want to lose 60 lbs in 3 months or something , I’m saying come closer )) feel lighter. so by the end of april I will be less ashamed to go to the beach.
*I want to start cooking REAL FOOD not just snacks & easy stuff.
*I want to learn a lot of healthy recipes.
*I want to bring myself on drinking that 8-10 glasses of water with pleasure like I used to … (I used to drink 3L a day with ease).. and now I’m just forcing myself into doing it.

There is probably going to be a lot of grumpiness on this blog for the next months)
And since I’ve gained weight after xmas period…
So wish me luck and If there’s someone out there who would want to join me , please – you’re welcome! )

Start date 05.01.2012

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