Monday, November 21, 2011

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

When we decide to lose weight, we must make sure that we do it the healthy way so it won't cause any physical or psychological problems. Everyone knows the basic principles for weight loss are less food and more exercises. It may sound easy but it's not. The good news is that there are some healthy weight loss tips that can help you loose weight. Here are some:

Don't eat in front of the TV or computer
(Eat slowly and concentrate on the food, your stomach will tell you it's full sooner!)
When you eat while watching TV or using a computer, your mind is not on your food. This can cause you to eat large amounts of food without noticing. For example, have you ever eaten chips during a movie, then realized that half the bag was gone?

Drink eight 8-oz. cups of water each day
(It's good for you and It'll help to kill your appetite too.)
We often confuse thirst with hunger, leading to load our body with unnecessary calories, when what we really need is a glass of cold water. If you prefer, you can add some lemon slices to the jug of water for extra flavour, or to drink tea with fruit flavour but no sugar. It is a simple and healthy trick that will help you a lot in your weight loss efforts.

Do not forget/skip breakfast
(you'll end up eating 'elevenses' or scoffing a big lunch!)
Not eating breakfast seems a simple way to reduce some calories, but the result may be insatiable hunger for the rest of the day. This can lead to a non-planned snack, in huge portions for lunch and this as a result will increase the calories you consume. But a breakfast, which is rich in protein and fiber, can reduce hunger throughout the day. In fact, research shows that people who eat breakfast every morning are more likely to maintain normal weight.

Start your meal with half a Grapefruit. It'll make you less hungry and provide a useful dose of vitamin C with hardly any calories.

Don't snack mindlessly in the evening
Not eating after 7 or 8 p.m. is a common "diet" rule. Simply eating late at night does not mean that your meal will turn into fat. However, most people struggle with evening eating and tend to simply overeating unnecessary calories out of boredom, stress, or loneliness. For that reason, it's a good idea to cut back on your evening eating. By curbing nighttime eating, you'll keep your calories--and weight--in check!

Dont fry food - bake, roast, grill, boil or steam it. Trim all the fat from meat before cooking it.

Brush your teeth immediately after your meal to discourage yourself from eating more.

Eat before you go shopping - never, ever shop on an empty stomach ( saves money too! )

Exercise is a must for fast weight loss
With exercise you achieve a lot of things. First you burn more calories and lose weight faster, second you ensure that you will not gain the weight back and third you provide your health with many benefits. What is important is to exercise frequently and to increase the duration of exercise every couple of weeks. Starters should aim for 30 minute sessions, 3 times per week. As you become more experienced with exercise you should aim for 45 minutes, 5 times per week.

Do not set unrealistic goals
To tell yourself that you will lose 9 pounds the first week, you are doomed for failure. If you know that you will not succeed you may even not start a diet. If you diet and lose 2.5 kilos a week, rather than being happy and celebrate it, you will feel unsatisfied that you did not reach your target.
The realistic goal is important for the success of a weight loss diet.
Remember that fast weight loss diets are too good to be true, so you need to be patient and set realistic goals.

Start slow, plan big!
All the weight loss tips explained above are valid and essential for a healthy weight loss. It is necessary though to start by gradually making changes both to your lifestyle, eating and exercise habits. Do not rush and do not make too drastic changes from one day to the next. Start slowly and stay focus on your goals. As you become more experienced make more changes until you reach a point that your lifestyle, diet and exercise routine are in accordance with your weight loss goals.

And last but not least important is to Stay motivated!

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